‘Cosmic Gateway’ Represents the Portal to
Elevated Consciousness and the Reawakening of the Soul
Elevation Training Collection Available Now

Alisha Braché is an Intuitive Soul Reader, Energy Practitioner, Ascension & Divine Partnership Guide, Teacher & Writer
Alisha Braché is the creator of Cosmic Gateway and New Earth Children. She has dedicated her life to her soul’s path from a very young age, working diligently to refine her Psychic, Intuitive, and energy abilities.
Her mission is to assist others in finding their path and gaining a deeper understanding of their soul’s journey.
Alisha utilises a wide range of energy techniques and modalities influenced by her cosmic/soul origins.
She employs advanced techniques to support individuals in their journey of Ascension, retrieving soul memories, and healing traumas within the multidimensional field. Supporting the individuals and guiding humanity towards a New Earth reality.
Alisha’s primary focus is on individuals on a Divine Counterpart journey and women experiencing various types of high-vibration and interdimensional pregnancies.
Her work revolves around the interconnectedness of galactic benevolent programs involving children and the spiritual component made possible through the Divine connection of soul merging.
Alisha’s unique gifts spring from her rich life experiences, which include lifelong contact with the spiritual and cosmic realms. Her experiences have equipped her with the ability to work with those on a Divine Partnership path and with New Earth Children.
She has an in-depth understanding of both the light and darker realms, enabling her to access healing and integrate soul fragments for herself and others.
If my journey resonates with you, and you believe I can enhance and contribute to your own path, let’s connect. I’d love to hear from you at cosmicg8way@gmail.com
Alisha Braché