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‘Cosmic Gateway’ Represents the Portal to
Elevated Consciousness and the Reawakening of the Soul

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Alisha Braché is an Intuitive Soul Reader, Energy Practitioner, Ascension & Divine Partnership Guide, Teacher & Writer


Alisha Braché is the creator of Cosmic Gateway and New Earth Children. She has dedicated her life to her soul’s path from a very young age, working diligently to refine her Psychic, Intuitive, and energy abilities.


Her mission is to assist others in finding their path and gaining a deeper understanding of their soul’s journey.

Alisha utilises a wide range of energy techniques and modalities influenced by her cosmic/soul origins.


She employs advanced techniques to support individuals in their journey of Ascension, retrieving soul memories, and healing traumas within the multidimensional field. Supporting the individuals and guiding humanity towards a New Earth reality.

Alisha’s primary focus is on individuals on a Divine Counterpart journey and women experiencing various types of high-vibration and interdimensional pregnancies.


Her work revolves around the interconnectedness of galactic benevolent programs involving children and the spiritual component made possible through the Divine connection of soul merging.

Alisha’s unique gifts spring from her rich life experiences, which include lifelong contact with the spiritual and cosmic realms. Her experiences have equipped her with the ability to work with those on a Divine Partnership path and with New Earth Children.


She has an in-depth understanding of both the light and darker realms, enabling her to access healing and integrate soul fragments for herself and others.

If my journey resonates with you, and you believe I can enhance and contribute to your own path, let’s connect. I’d love to hear from you at

Alisha Braché

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Never Before - First Time SSP Disclosure with Alisha Brache!!

Never Before - First Time SSP Disclosure with Alisha Brache!!

In this one-of-a-kind, candid conversation, Alisha at last reveals her long journey to understand her space program memories and its legacy. Topics include the soul's journey, twinning and a real-time SSP relationship, family ties to the programs, guardians, galactic children, Mars, time travel and more. A brave conversation full of heart, I am so honored to host Alisha for this full, first-time disclosure. ♥ ========================================================= CONNECT WITH ALISHA BRACHE, Intuitive Soul Reader, Energy Practitioner, Ascension & Divine Partnership Guide, Teacher & Writer: Youtube: Telegram: ========================================================== JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM!!! --- ========================================================== DEDICATED & GOING DEEPER | PROGRESSIVE 1:1 SESSION PACKAGE WITH REBECCA: AKASHIC READING & SOUL COUNSEL: STARSEED INTUITIVE COACHING: PERSONAL ASTRAL JOURNEY: QUANTUM HEALING SESSION: INNER CHILD INTEGRATION: MORE 1:1 SESSION OPTIONS WITH REBECCA:​ ========================================================== DONATIONS: TELEGRAM: NEWSLETTER: ========================================================== Thank you for watching, listening and learning! I very much appreciate your visit to my channel. With devotion to the liberation of our planet & all beings in all realms, SB♥ Sirius Blue / Rebecca Rose Energy Intuitive, Seer & Channel #SecretSpaceProgram, #Disclsoure, #SuperSoldier, #Starseed
11-11 Portal! Alisha Brache on "The Event" & New Earth, QHHT Session w/Allison Coe. Don't Miss It!

11-11 Portal! Alisha Brache on "The Event" & New Earth, QHHT Session w/Allison Coe. Don't Miss It!

On Nov 8, I had an excellent Conversation with Alisha Brache of Cosmic Gateway, an Intuitive Soul Reader, Energy Practitioner, Ascension & Divine Partnership Guide, Teacher & Writer. I'm excited to be releasing this video for the 11-11 portal in 2023 for all people interested in ascension, especially those interested in twin flames and sacred counterparts! With a lifetime of profound psychic gifts and talents and OBE connections with the "other side," Alisha captivated me with her life story of how she's gotten to where she is. Not only has she been doing this work since she was very young, she has received first hand experiences that convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are headed into an incredible shift, that some people call "The Event" or "Solar Flash" that will begin our serious return back to the Highest Dimension in this Universal Construct. Find out about how her new Elevate Course came to fruition, a culmination of her Life's Work and it's design to prepare souls for the imminent shift in reality. She also shares what she has seen the role "sacred counterparts" will play in this Event, which totally confirms what I have known in the depth of my soul -- that twin flames, sacred counterparts, original pairs are being re-ignited for this purpose. Alisha's profound experiences and soul's journey are fascinating and inspiring to say the least. This is one interview you are not going to want to miss. To contact Alisha Brache and find out more about her life's work and her new 2-Part Elevate course: Cosmic Gateway YouTube Channel: Nature of Reality Workshop: To reserve a spot on Sunday's TSU Weekly Zoom Call: Seats are limited, replay will be available for purchase. Preview will be posted on this channel. #theevent #twinflames #ascension
Women Are Birthing Babies From Inter-dimensional Beings | ET CONTACTEE

Women Are Birthing Babies From Inter-dimensional Beings | ET CONTACTEE

Podcast guest 914 is Alisha Braché and we talked about immaculate conception, ET, UFOs and more. Alisha Braché is the creator of Cosmic Gateway & New Earth Children. She has dedicated her life since a very young age to her soul’s path & working with refining her Psychic, Intuitive & Healing Abilities to work and support others in finding their path & deeper understanding to their soul’s journey. Alisha works with a wide range of energy techniques & modalities influenced from her cosmic origins & star family to bring forth a range of advanced techniques to support people through: Ascension, retrieving soul memory & lost aspects, healing traumas through the multidimensional field and humanity towards a New Earth reality. In particular, Alisha’s gifts are focused on those who are on a Divine Counterpart journey & women going through various types of high vibration & interdimensional pregnancies. This work is based around the interconnectedness of galactic benevolent programs with children & the spiritual component of what is possible through Divine connection between soul merging. Alisha's gifts spring from the wealth of her own unique life experiences involving: lifelong contactee, connection to the Spirit and Cosmic realms. Alisha’s unique experiences have given her the ability to work with those she supports in Divine Partnership & New Earth Children. Having an in depth experience with both light and darker realms allows her access to healing and integrating soul fragments for herself and others. Alisha's YouTube Channel Alisha's Website Join this channel to get access to perks: MERCH CONTACT: Email: WEBSITE SOCIALS: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: JeffMara does not endorse any of his guests' products or services. The opinions of the guests may or may not reflect the opinions of the host. WE DO NOT GIVE ANYONE INCLUDING OUR GUESTS, PERMISSION TO UPLOAD OUR VIDEOS TO THEIR YOUTUBE CHANNEL(S) OR ANY OTHER PLATFORM.
Alisha Braché - Conversation for the Soul: episode 47
Episode:11 5D Conscious Pregnancy, Lemuria, Soul Merging and the Future w/ Alisha Brache

Episode:11 5D Conscious Pregnancy, Lemuria, Soul Merging and the Future w/ Alisha Brache

Episode: 11 April 11, 2023 Alisha and Sherri discuss embodiemnt of the soul and mother, or soul merging in 5D pregnancy and conscious conceptions. We discuss Lemuria and their philosophies in bringing in new souls, how that process took place & how that’s relevant today. We discuss new earth children and Change in Human make-up. Contact Alisha: 🛒🏬 🛍️Please Visit our Aramis Creative Learning Center Merchandise Store: 🌟If you enjoy these videos, please consider donating to The Aramis Collective. Your donations contribute to future children’s videos, books, and the first Aramis Creative Learning Center location. Merchandise: 🌟Non-Profit : 🌟Children’s Classes: Sessions with Sherri: 🌟Divinely Guided Children’s books: Mindfulness and Superpowers The Ascension Spirit Animals 🌟More of Sherri’s Books: Intuitive Transformation Evolution Divinely Guided 💫Instagram #intuitivedevelopment #intuitive #sherridivband // ABOUT Sherri: Hi, I'm Sherri Divband and I am an Intuitive Life Transformational Healer. a modern-day empath, and a pioneer in the movement of restoring balance in people. My hope is that by helping one person at a time I can do my part to make the world a better place. I believe if one can find peace from within, among the stress, family struggles, uncertainty, and anxiety that life can bring, then those struggles will suddenly shift. I have learned throughout my own spiritual journey that the mind is powerful and it can either work with you or against you. The thoughts that we put out into the world, most certainly dictate what comes back to us. For Business Inquiries:
Alisha Braché on Light Conception: ‘This is unfounded. My body is changing’ – 3 Year Pregnancy

Alisha Braché on Light Conception: ‘This is unfounded. My body is changing’ – 3 Year Pregnancy

In this episode, Alexandra shares a very raw, revealing and emotional conversation with Energy Therapist Alisha Braché about just how strange and painful the awakening process can be. Alexandra and Alisha share their personal stories as they discuss topics such as twin flames, Kundalini awakening, high-vibration children, star kin, cosmic pregnancy and light conception. Of her work, Alisha says: ’I’m from Melbourne, Australia – born and raised here. My work primarily is energetic. So I work with helping people through the ascension process. I work a lot with twin souls.’ Alisha talks to Alexandra about some of the confusion around what a twin flame or twin soul is and the purpose of these often intense relationships. Alexandra and Alisha are both moved to tears as they discuss the little-known about topic of light conception, and share their own painful journeys with pregnancy and the preparation involved in raising our planet’s vibration for the coming of the new ‘Diamond Soul Children’. Alisha says: ‘I’ve been going through this high-vibrational pregnancy – what I term a 5D pregnancy. It’s very different to what we’ve known in 3D. In 3D we look at a 9 month gestation period… This is very different. It’s based on frequency. And it’s taking the mother well, both parents – through the ascension process in matching the frequency of these high-vibration children that want to come through.’ Alisha, who is currently three years into her extraordinary high-vibrational pregnancy says: ’To this day, it’s been a journey that’s completely torn my world apart and what I thought and believed, but at the same time that all this was happening, I just had this awareness that - well, this is the new way. Or the ancient way returning.’ ‘I traced it back in my research to the times of Lemuria. It’s a glorious time because it means that we’ve got these amazing children coming through to help with this planetary ascension. And I’m not the only one – there are a lot of women around that planet that are being prepped for these pregnancies. There is no linear time to it. But it means that we’re on the precipice of this planetary shift. Otherwise, these children wouldn’t be coming in droves and all these women starting to have these experiences.’ Alexandra also shares her personal experiences of high-vibrational conception and pregnancy and tells how it, too, tore her life apart as she began to shift in frequency to hold more light for the extraordinary children coming through. Alisha shares: ‘I shut myself off from the world because it wasn’t just an experience I was just thinking I was having. This was a full embodiment – my body was changing. I knew in my heart what I was going through was extraordinary, miraculous, unfounded territory. And it wasn’t just about me. This is evidence of how the world is changing.’ For more about Alisha and her work, visit See Alisha's talk on Cosmic Children and Immaculate Conception here: The Alexandra Wenman Show is a webTV series focusing on mind, body, spirit, wellbeing and all things to do with awakening consciousness. As a healer and spiritual channel, Alexandra has created a platform through which to share the wealth of wisdom rising on the planet with the return of the Divine feminine. The show offers inspiration from expert interviews with authors, healers, teachers and visionaries to news, events, festivals, sacred travel and retreats. Some of the topics covered include crystals, angels, Alchemy, symbolism, shamanism, energy healing, starseeds, Ascension, Akashic Records, quantum physics, DNA and genetics, UFOlogy, sacred geometry, astrology, channelling, psychic development and divination, self-help, mindfulness, yoga, reiki and meditation. Our goal is to normalise conversations about spirituality and the global awakening in order to empower individuals to co-create a world full of love. *ABOUT ALEXANDRA* Instagram: @alexandracwenman Twitter: @alexandraWenman Facebook: Alexandra Wenman’s Precious Wisdom Please subscribe or leave us a comment below - we'd love to hear from you with any questions, topic suggestions or feedback. If you'd like to be on the show or if you have a product you'd like Alexandra to review, please get in touch: If you enjoy this video, please subscribe, like and share to help raise the consciousness and vibration of our beloved planet :-)


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